Minggu, 28 Desember 2014

Si Perajuk Kejutan

Hai, perajuk kejutan. Apa kabarmu?
Kuharap kau bahagia di sana.
Apa kau sudah bertemu dengan teman baru yang mampu mencerahkan harimu? Kuharap, iya.
Mungkin aku bukan teman yang baik untukmu, karena aku telah mengabaikan hari yang kau anggap bersejarah di hidupmu. Hari kau terlahir ke dunia, menghirup dan menatap dunia untuk pertama kalinya.
Maaf, jujur saja aku memang tidak hapal tanggal ulang tahunmu. Aku juga tidak merasa harus terlalu buru-buru merayakannya, namun bukan berarti itu tidak penting bagiku. Aku terus memikirkan cara yang pantas merayakannya bersamamu dan yang lainnya.
Aku dan yang lain sering berdiskusi mengenai hal ini, tapi tetap saja berakhir dengan “omong-omong” dan “rencana” saja.
Hingga akhirnya kau mengaku bahwa kau kesal dan kecewa pada kami. Akan tetapi, kau hanya meluapkan perasaanmu itu padaku seorang. Tak apa. Terserahmu saja berbuat apapun.
Sebenarnya aku juga kecewa pada diriku sendiri, biasanya aku mampu jadi si penggerak, tapi entah kenapa saat ini aku hanya ingin jadi si pengikut. Tapi tidak lagi.
Lihatlah, si perajuk kejutan, kadomu sudah teronggok manis di atas meja belajarku. Apakah kau masih mau menerimanya?
Tenang, kadomu pasti tak akan mengecewakan.
Oyah, bagaimana dengan caramu bersikap cuek begitu? Tingkahmu berubah 180 derajat saat pertama kali aku mengenalmu. Apakah semua ini benar hanya karena sebuah kejutan dan kado yang tak kunjung ada? Hahaha sungguh kekanakan.
Dewasalah sobat, jangan bertingkah menyebalkan begini. Jangan buat orang-orang berbalik membencimu. Kau pantas marah, tapi kau harus ingat waktu.
Saat kau berada di dunia kerja, jika kau terus bertingkah seperti ini, kurasa kau akan sulit nantinya. Dewasalah!

Her Bad-Temper -___-

For my Ekoman’s task, I have to cooperate with several people who have different characteristics. Back then, we have done our fieldtrip to Banjarsari’s Village and our report. But, we still have a lot of revisions because actually only 2-3 people who had done this report. All of us only gave them raw datas and they have to complete it. So here we are, we have to do this task again.
The problem is, in my group we have a person who has a bed temper and it’s so annoying. Yesterday I already asked them about our revisions, but they do not responsed me. And now, she is so annoying with keeping complaining about her duty. Yes, we dividing this task in order to complete it faster before deadline.
I know she is so busy with her exams, but not only her who has exam. If only she’s doing this task then she’ll finish it. Easy, right? More she complaining then more it’ll be difficult.
Moreover, does she know that she’s not doing any important job for our task until now? She must be aware of it!
I can’t understand with people who have this character -_____-

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2014

Syalalala ~

Hi, everybody :)
I’m back again huahaha
Nothing’s special, but tonite I wanna write something about my parents a.k.a my heroes! Yeheeettt!!
I think everything that I want then my parents would buy it for me. Seriously. Example, tablet. I just said, if only I have it then I will easier to study wherever I am. Firstly, I wanna buy it with my own money, my saving. But, suddenly I had a problem which needed money. So, I told my parents that I couldn’t buy it because I have an urgent thing. Then, my father called me and asked me, “how much the tablet’s price?”
And, BUM! He said that he will buy it for me. So, I went to the electronic store (Jambu Dua) with my friend. Surprisingly, the one that I want more expensive than the one that I told my daddy. Plus I couldn’t sell my old smartphone because I didn’t have my smartphone’s box. I left it in Medan.
Finally, I bought that tablet with my saving and my daddy’s money kekeke ~
Moreover, when I ask for shoes, bags, or clothes then my parents will buy it for me. I feel it's happening since I have to study in Bogor. I’m happy XXXX
My sister too. She’s more affectionate now. Back then she was so introvert and had a difficult to show her love for us, her family.
Sometimes I’m happy that I’m in Bogor, so my family will realize how precious my present in that home kekeke *so narcissism*
Yeah, that’s my story. Sincerely.